The Seevak Website Competition: 2009

PFLAG - Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays

PFLAG - Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays

Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) was founded in 1973 to provide a support network and voice for those supporting the GLBT community. PFLAG has become a powerful group helping families to learn more about same sex relationships and challenges and issues facing the GLBT community. It provides comfort and services to numerous families over its 30+ years and advocates for issues important to the GLBT community, from gay marriage and hate crimes to unjust military policy.

Visit their site »

Meet the Team

Meet Jaimie Meet Lillian Meet Sasha

Meet Jaimie

Jaimie is a freshman and this is her first year in the Seevak competition. In the time when she is not working diligently on her Seevak project, she dances at Boston Ballet and plays the flute. Most of the time you will find her pirouetting down the hallways of the music wing. Jaimie feels the Seevak competition has been a great experience and has learned a lot about PFLAG and web design.

Meet Lillian

Lillian is a peppy five-footer who never lets life get her down (even though she’s pretty far down to begin with). She plays clarinet, the greatest instrument ever, and alto sax, the second greatest instrument ever. Later in life, she plans to make a living off of her amazing ability for cart-wheeling (her one-handed is divine). Lillian is very glad that she participated in the Seevak competition this year.

Meet Sasha

Sasha is a ninth grader who writes for Teen Voices magazine and tap dances. She has really enjoyed exploring her family history through this project, because her grandparents were involved in PFLAG almost since its establishment. She feels a real connection to the organization and appreciates the Seevak competition for giving her a chance to learn so much about it.