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Resources: Database hate crimes

NEW ORLEANS - A state appeals court on Friday threw out the only remaining conviction against one of the black teens accused in the beating of a white schoolmate in the racially charged north Louisiana town of Jena, according to AP reports. The state 3rd Circuit Court of Appeal said Mychal Bell, 17, should not have been tried as an adult and tossed his conviction on aggravated battery. Bell was to be sentenced Thursday. He could have received 15 years in prison. Bell, who was just 16 at the time of the beating, is one of the six black students »

Susan Roesgen and Eliott C. McLaughlin, “Residents: Nooses spark school violence, divide town,” CNN (September 5, 2007) JENA, Louisiana (CNN) -- A judge Tuesday vacated one of two convictions against a teen involved in a violent, racially charged incident in Louisiana that left another teen hospitalized. Defense lawyers argued -- and 28th Judicial District Court Judge J.P. Mauffray Jr. agreed -- that a charge of conspiracy to commit second-degree aggravated battery should have been brought against Mychal Bell in juvenile court rather than adult court. But he left standing Bell's conviction on a second-degree aggravated battery charge. The teen's attorneys »

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