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Resources: Database Obedience

In 1963, Stanley Milgram, an assistant professor of psychology at Yale, published his infamous experiment on obedience to authority. Its conclusion was that most ordinary people were willing to administer what they believed to be painful, even dangerous, electric shocks to innocent people if a man in a white lab coat told them to. For the first time in four decades, a researcher has repeated the Milgram experiment to find out whether, after all we have learned in the last 45 years, Americans are still as willing to inflict pain out of blind obedience. The Milgram experiment was carried out »

Living Up to Rules: When Should Soldiers (and Others?) Disobey orders? Martha Minow In 1944, Raul Wallenberg sent this message SS Commander General August Schmidthuber: I will make sure that you will be charged and hanged as a war criminal if you follow Adolf Eichmann’s order and direct the massacre of the nearly 100,000 Jews remaining in the Budapest Central Ghetto. Today we remember and honor Raul Wallenberg for this and countless other acts of courage that directly saved thousands of lives during the Holocaust. A man then in his early 30s, Wallenberg used delay, persuasion, threats, bribes, and his »

Our topic today is an ugly one, one that we all hate to think about, to read about, to listen to. It is Evil. It is not pleasant to think about the nature of evil, of collective violence, of genocide, ethnic cleansing, mass rape, brutal tortures, and bestial acts of human against human that challenge our basic conception of human nature. From early Christian history and the personification of Lucifer as the embodiment of evil, the dispositional analysis of evil has focused analytical attention on identifying those individuals who are evil by nature, and indeed there are some people who »

"If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You? Probably" by Philip Meyer, Esquire (1970) In the beginning, Stanley Milgram was worried about the Nazi problem. He doesn't worry much about the Nazis anymore. He worries about you and me, and, perhaps, himself a little bit too. Stanley Milgram is a social psychologist, and when he began his career at Yale University in 1960 he had a plan to prove, scientifically, that Germans are different. The Germans-are-different hypothesis has been used by historians, such as William L. Shirer, to explain the systematic destruction of the Jews by the Third »

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