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Resources: Database Sexual orientation and discrimination

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network has launched a war against the phrase "That's so gay," and the group says it's winning. A press release sent out Thursday announced GLSEN's campaign against the saying was entering its second phase, as well as touting that its first phase — a campaign called "Think Before You Speak" that featured public service announcements with Hilary Duff and Wanda Sykes discouraging use of "That's so gay" — is leading to less use of the phrase by teens. "According to the Ad Council (the nonprofit group that puts out public service announcements), high recognition »

I'm glad there are more gay characters on TV these days. But I don't want to single the gay ones out, because that would imply that I think gay people are different than everyone else. They're not different! Gay people are just like straight people, only they're smarter and funnier and more interesting. Also, they smell better. They've read more books, sure. And they have more friends -- that part isn't surprising. Because they're better educated, generally speaking, and also a little wiser. Like blondes, they have more fun. When people talk about homos taking over the planet, my heart »

The Invention of Heterosexuality by Jonathan Ned Katz In the twentieth century, creatures called heterosexuals emerged from the dark shadows of the nineteenth-century medical world to become common types acknowledged in the bright light of the modern day. Heterosexuality began this century defensively, as the publicly unsanctioned private practice of the respectable middle class, and as the publicly put-clown pleasure-affirming practice of urban working-class youths, southern blacks, and Greenwich Village bohemians. But by the end of the 1920s, heterosexuality had triumphed as dominant, sanctified culture.' In the first quarter of the twentieth century the heterosexual came out, a public, self-affirming »

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