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Resources: Database Genocide

“Never Again,” again and again According to the great historian of the Holocaust, Raul Hilberg, the phrase “Never Again” first appeared on handmade signs put up by inmates at Buchenwald in April, 1945, shortly after the camp had been liberated by U.S. forces. “I think it was really the Communists who were behind it, but I am not sure,” Hilberg said in one of the last interviews he gave before his death in the summer of 2007. Since then, “Never Again” has become kind of shorthand for the remembrance of the Shoah. At Buchenwald, the handmade signs were long ago »

It's good that we're beginning to get all relaxed and comfy about genocide, isn't it? Samantha Power's important book on the subject was called A Problem From Hell. But in recent discourse, genocide seems to have become A Problem From Heck. One aspect of the shift is a new "realism" about genocide that reflects the way the world has come to tolerate it: We now tacitly concede that in practice, we can't or won't do much more than deplore it and learn to live with it. Another – more troubling – trend is toward what we might call "defining genocide »

You've read portions of my book I know and thank you for that. Do you remember Lemkin? Lemkin. Your teacher. Lemkin. Lemkin. Relentless. Relentless and committed. Umm, yeah. That's your teacher. I thought what I would do, since youve read the book and since its 4,000 degrees in this room, is begin by telling you a little bit about how I got into this business, not an obvious career choice, and then talk about what I take to be the big lesson of the book, and the lesson really does involve upstanders and the importance of making noise in the »

Study says conflicts, genocide in decline World terrorism is reported to rise By Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press | October 18, 2005 UNITED NATIONS -- A study issued yesterday paints a surprising picture of war and peace in the 21st century: Armed conflicts have declined by more than 40 percent since 1992, and genocide and human rights abuses have plummeted around the world. The only form of political violence that appears to be getting worse is international terrorism -- a serious threat that nonetheless kills extraordinarily few people per year compared with wars, it said. The first Human Security Report, »

Samantha Power, except from preface, "A Problem from Hell": America and the Age of Genocide (New York, 2002) My introduction to Sidbela Zimic, a nine-year-old Sarajevan, came unexpectedly one Sunday in June 1995. Several hours after hearing the familiar whistle and crash of a nearby shell, I traveled a few blocks to one of the neighborhood's once-formidable apartment houses. Its battered faade bore the signature pockmarks left from three years of shrapnel spray and gunfire. The building lacked windows, electricity, gas, and water. It was uninhabitable to all but Sarajevo's proud residents, who had no place else to go. Sidbela's »

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