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Resources: Database treatment of Roma and Sinti

Italian Cities Plan to Shut Roma Camps By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO MILAN — Some 20 years ago, Marco Deragna, a Roma whose family has been in Italy for generations, moved to a field on the outskirts of metropolitan Milan and made his home there. Today, his prefab house on wheels — painted bright yellow with dark green shutters — is part of a sizable nucleus of mostly well-kept dwellings that house about 120 Roma, along with their horses, dogs, chickens, turkeys and even peacocks. But the camp’s days are numbered. The Milan government plans to shut several of the city’s 12 »

France's expulsion campaign of Roma has drawn a deluge of criticism at home and abroad, and even opened up fissures within the government and ruling conservative majority. Yet President Nicolas Sarkozy and his closest lieutenants are striking an increasingly defiant tone in response to the outcry. Cabinet members now want to expand the list of infractions for which the Roma Gypsy minority can be forcibly expelled from France — and are busy placing blame on Romania as the ultimate cause of the controversy engulfing Paris. On Tuesday, French Secretary of State for European Affairs Pierre Lellouche and Immigration and Integration »

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